A wife, momma, and football obsessed girl from Indy.

After having my first baby, I traded my corporate gig for work-from-home mom life. 

Social media and marketing have always been passions of mine.

After my former employer "accidentally" became my first client and started sending me referral after referral, I decided to officially launch my business in 2019.

Now, here I am helping countless businesses grow their business on social media!


hi friend

If I'm not mommin' or working you can find me...

✔️ Watching the Indianapolis Colts or college game day
✔️ Planning our next family trip to Disney
✔️ Chasing my kids around outside

how did i get here?

I discovered my love for all things marketing back in 2012 when I started a job at a local Real Estate Company. I helped Realtors create marketing pieces for their listings, put together closing gifts for their clients, and instruct them on using tools like social media & email marketing.

Once I graduated from the Kelley School of Business in Indiana, I moved into a new position that expanded my skills and allowed me to work with service and product providers in multiple industries.

Fast forward to 2016 - First came love, then came marriage (to my husband, Daniel), then came our first baby in 2018. I was 6 weeks into my maternity leave when I finally faced reality, there was no way I could leave my tiny baby girl every day to return to my 9-5.

I had ALWAYS wanted to own my own business, but had no idea what I really wanted to do or what that business would be.

Turns out I just needed those motherly instincts to motivate me and figure it out. Shoutout to my incredibly supportive husband for telling me to “stop overthinking it and just go for it.”

Two days later I gave notice to my employer and asked if they would be interested in allowing me to continue managing their social media accounts as a freelancer. Boom, I landed my first client and the rest is history!

I find so much joy in helping small to mid-size businesses grow their brand and marketing presence by expanding their digital reach across multiple platforms.

I can’t wait to see what’s next for KEM!

Click the photos to learn about my daily must-haves.

My favorites

I love the work that I get to do as a social media manager and consultant!


I'm a HUGE Colts fan! 


My girls are the reason I started and continue my business. 

My girls

Exploring and going on adventures with my family! 


My family means the world to me! 

My People